Friday, April 20, 2018


I have been away because in addition to tons of work travel and Walt Disney World, I have also been embroiled in making mass amounts of art. Blogging is sort of like your "network." Some people in your network have more priority than others. Family and work are obviously at the top of that hierarchy. Unfortunately, blogging had to take a little backseat. I am not one of those bloggers you see on Pinterest, "Make $10,000 a month blogging."

I am part of a group show at Art of Toys in July and I am feverishly getting my little monsters together. I never want to let a garbage monster out of my paws though so I have had to work and rework some of these guys. I think you may know them if you follow my Poppies page on IG. I haven't always thought of myself as an actual artist and I have certainly not called myself an artist but now that I am the age I am and have accrued the body of work that I have, I have crossed over and now actually quite confidently call myself an artist.

I have been sculpting monsters. Here are a few examples:

 I was planning to post lots of other things since I last posted in December. Maybe I still can. I'd love to post our Christmas Dinner. Is it silly to post a winter meal in the Spring?
Friday, December 15, 2017

Treasures 2 - A Knitted Spaceship and Wizzle, Twizzle and Betty

When I was a little girl, we lived in Connecticut where my father practiced medicine in an office that was part of our house. Many of his patients were neighborhood folks, some of whom lacked resources with which to pay the doctor. So my father took tomatoes, pickles and hand knitted items in return for tetanus shots and check ups.

One such knitted item was this flying saucer. At the time, dad and I would sit in the evening and watch hours of Sagan and Nova. I think he probably shared some of this info with his patients. And now, I have inherited this magnificent piece of art.

It is one of my greatest treasures, although Wizzle, Twizzle and Betty only make their appearances during the Christmas season. Perhaps I'll keep them out all year 'round?

Monday, December 4, 2017

What I Love About Christmas

Sometimes, during the Christmas season, we get lost in the "GET."

But what really "FEELS" good are these things...

Whats the stuff that evokes your favorite Christmas feelings?


John S. Goodall

It's the whole ENTIRE film, guys! The whole thing!!! (Thanks You Tube!!!!)

Monday, November 20, 2017

Diversions #2 - How to Get Dressed

I'd say I am what some might a call a "slave to fashion," or perhaps a "fashion maven," or a "clothes horse." whatever the nomenclature is, I'd say it's true. I, like my mother and grandmother and sister, truly love fashion. I love textiles, the culture of clothing and dressing, the fashion world glossy magazines and shopping. But I also love history. In fact, I have curated an art show about fashion and published an academic paper in a university art magazine about the fashion of Elsa Schiaparelli and the costumes of Walter Schnakenberg.

Today we will look over something like this:

Mrs. Cadoux at The Tate
A friend of mine shared this with me becasue she knows my great love of clothing and fashion history. She's pretty thoughtful.

In the 18th Century (Britain specifically - for our purposes), wealthy women had servants to dress them. They needed lots of help getting dressed becasue the chore was sheer drudgery. See the video below which delineates all of the extraordinary details and the great undertaking that getting dressed was. This was the time of the Rococo art movement in Europe so opulence was a mark of high society and the fashion reflects that as well as the art.

This is from The Lady Lever Art Gallery 

But you can read more here at the Encyclopedia of Fashion.
And here at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
And here, too, at Jane Austen's World.
Monday, November 13, 2017

A Gentleman in Moscow

I haven't posted about a book in a while. In fact, it's been years. But this was such a great read that I cannot pass it by. I want to share it with the world! It is "A Gentleman in Moscow" by Amor Towles. My friend Joan told me about it. It was a selection for her book club (which I have inserted myself into). At first I was reluctant to read it (fearful it was a dramatic novel) but I am so glad I did. It is one of my Top 10 favorite books!

Below is the trailer for the brilliant novel "A Gentleman in Moscow." This little film is equally magnificent!

from Delphine Burrus on Vimeo.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween 2017 - Poppy Barach and Julie Audet, Photographers

I found two great photographers who have flawlessly captured this mysterious time of year.

Poppy Barach's images are haunting and rich. You can follow her on Instagram, here.

And, Julie Audet. Her images are filled with wisdom and magic. And she can be found on Instagram, here.

Poppy Barach

Julie Audet

Poppy Barach

Julie Audet

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Diversions - A New Category - Crows and Ravens

I'm adding a new category. That is two new categories, this month! This one is called "Diversions" and it's for those days that I can't be asked to write something thoughtful, or to style some food that I just want to eat, or for those days that I am just not feeling all that creative. For lazy blogger days I guess you could say. But I think you'll find it entertaining. Hopefully, anyway. Or they might not be diverting in the least. That won't do! So see for yourselves and give me some feedback!

So, I'll start with something seasonal. How about Ravens, crows and other soft billed birds that are black and eat carrion?! Seems so spooky a la Edgar Allan Poe. But they are super intelligent, tool using ornithological specimens and are therefore noteworthy. It's such a shame my mother hates them. That's true. Her words, not mine. She hates them. I love them and in Sacramento since we have the largest tree canopy in the world (now surpassing Paris) we are home to many of these beautiful Corvidae. Here are these 10 Amazing Crow Facts And 10 more about Ravens. Ravens frighten, amaze and intrigue us. They are magnetic beings; clever, industrious, even creative!

Audrey Kawasaki 
Crows, Ravens and other Corvids are all terribly diverting. No? Check this out, Aves Noir. It is so elegant, haunting and ethereal. You might enjoy something like that this time of year. As an amateur ornithologist and a lover of big black birds, I visit quite often.

I love this time of year; I cannot emphasize it enough. May all Corvidae be blessed.

Eeeeee! I found this one too! (Sacramento is mentioned; we are famous!)