Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Inspired: Being Human


Pain that just sits
Like a lazy student shits
all over respect for others
it burns like brothers
who steal wives
it festers like wounds that take lives
It's human I guess
I wear it today like an ugly dress
apathy runs in me
I don't care about the handsome man
I don't care about the giggling girl
I'm Free
Except for the 
Pain that just sits.
Monday, January 20, 2014

DIY Lace Resin Cuff Bracelet

Oh this is a fun one. I feel like I haven't done an in depth post about anything arty or do-it-yourself-ish for a while. As today is  free day from work (thank God), I decided to go for it. Not without some trial and error, such is experimentation.

A cuff is my favorite kind of body embellishment. It is a statement without being IN YOUR FACE. I like a statement necklace as well, but since I am petite I often feel like the necklace swallows me. A cuff bracelet is more subtle but just as statement making.

This one happens to be made of Shrinky-Dink resin paper. You can get it at Michaels or any comparable craft store.

Your materials:

1 sheet shrinky dink matte sided 'paper.'
1 pair scissors
1 design you like (I used an image of lace)
1 oven


  1. Print the design you've chosen onto the sheet of Shrinky-Dink paper (make sure your printer can handle it and that the color will not rub off on your skin - if you're so inclined, you can buy special printable Shrinky-Dink paper but it's a bit dear for the wallet).
  2. Pre-heat the oven to 325,
  3. You'll use the entire length of the paper but the width is up to you. If your paper is 8x10, use all 10 inches, but you may want to trim the 8 inch width down to 6 or 7 inches - I trimmed it to 6 inches.
  4. Punch holes on either end of your shrink paper. These are where you'll add the leather or wire or whatever element you'll use to close the cuff (that which will keep it on your arm).
  5. Lay the prepared piece on a parchment lined cookie sheet printed side up.
  6. Put the cookie sheet in the oven and check your design after about a minute. *when you check the piece it will look curled in the oven - don't fret - remove it, wrap it around a glass or anything of similar size to your wrist - and put it back in the oven to remove bumps and blemishes.
  7. After you've removed your piece, move quickly and re-shape it if you've put it in the oven for a second go 'round.
  8. Let it cool and add your leather. The closure type is up to you. I originally did a double slide knot but the leather kept breaking so I didn't use that type of thing, instead I wove the leather.
  9. Voila! You have an enviable cuff. If you can find Shrinky paper that is longer than 10 inches you could forgo the leather part altogether.
  10. NOTE: Using this medium is trial an error. It can be a frustrating material to work with but hang in there. The end product is worth the trouble.

This was my first attempt. You can see the break in the plastic on the upper right part of the bracelet.

I should've re-though the wearer; my arm renders as if I am an 80 year old. But you get the idea.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

"The Salt" - There's Talk

I love to give a shout out to my local peeps. I've loved this San Francisco trio - "There's Talk" - for a little while and I am so happy they are growing. I saw them at Bottom of the Hill back in November and I was hooked. I visit their website from time to time and since they are now releasing their first EP - "Tiny Strands" - I thought I'd give a look see! And voila - A simply stunning video of "The Salt," on the front page of Vimeo.

They are a folk/electronic band, fully listenable by anyone at anytime. They are fronted by Olivia Lee whose vocals carry you to other lands much like your favorite book - both angelic and haunting. Her range is amazing and the bands lyrics are ethereal and prophetic.

This beautiful art piece supports the fact that often times we don't know we are incomplete until we meet a complementary counter-piece. I could bathe in the sound of this for days - the visual makes the lyricism all the more sumptuous.


THERE'S TALK : THE SALT from marta m. m. dymek on Vimeo.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

I haven't posted since October. It just seemed like life got to be too much. When that happens you know - something has to go. Unfortunately, I dropped yoga and Poppies. Not so sure those were the best things to let go of, but those went and I can't change it now.

What's great about the New Year is not the raucous night of partying but the whole "Happy New Year" thing is a free pass - A RESET! And who doesn't like to start over? With this said "reset" we can focus on the things we CAN change.

I'm not big on the resolution thing because I never keep them for more than three days. So this year I have committed to "Tiny Tweaks 2014." There are several things on the list some of which include:

  • drink at least 60 oz. of water per day
  • try to dissipate guilt 
  • take vitamins daily 
  • commit to yoga once a week
  • journal daily
  • have consistently healthier eating habits
In eating a consistently healthier diet, I know that as a grown female human, for optimum health (weight maintenance, muscle recovery, hair/nail strength, 15% increase in metabolism) I should have at least 100 grams of protein a day.

So I baked high protein, whole grain bread. This little loaf packs a wallop! It's about 12 servings and each serving of bread is only 80 calories and 6 grams of protein. Plus it's fatless and filling! Served with  mascarpone and pepper jelly I also made today - it's out of this world!

High Protein Whole Grain  Bread

3/4 C Rye Flour
3/4 C Whole Wheat Flour
1/4 C Rolled Oats
2 1/2 Cups Chobani Non-Fat Yogurt
1 tsp. baking powder

Bake in a baking sprayed bread pan at 400 degrees for 1 hour.

Pepper Jelly in the pan.
Pepper Jelly in the Jar.
Pepper Jelly on the Mascarpone on the High Protein Whole Grain Bread.
May all your hearts desires be granted in 2014.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Geek Love

My friend Amy is my own private Book Critic. Because of her I have read some of the best books ever. Some of them include: The Monster of Florence and The Lacuna just to name a couple. But the best so far is hands down "Geek Love" by Katherine Dunn.

If the world is a carnival, then we are all side show pass-arounds. After all, when each of us arrived on the scene, naked and covered in blood and goo, we were unique specimens. But soon after our births, a member of The Cult of Normalcy gave us a pamphlet and offered us the opportunity to blend in with the rest of society. Most of us accepted the offer. Loneliness is a scary thing, after all. So here we are trying to live our lives like everyone else, constantly checking the mirror to make sure we look like everyone else, and taking some time out of our day to laugh and gawk at those who have failed miserably at our collective endeavor. If what we see in the mirror doesn't reflect the rest of society, we do things to fix ourselves. It's exhausting work, trying to be like everyone else, but it's worth it because we're not alone and that make us happy, right?

I love Geek Love for reminding me that I'm a freak. I am the only person who popped out of my mother's womb in upstate New York.  There is no one else in this world that has my brain, my heart, and my soul.

I'll finish with a great quote from the book:

There are those whose own vulgar normality is so apparent and stultifying that they strive to escape it. They affect flamboyant behavior and claim originality according to the fashionable eccentricities of their time. They claim brains or talent or indifference to mores in desperate attempts to deny their own mediocrity...

Then there are those who feel their own strangeness and are terrified by it. They struggle toward normalcy. They suffer to exactly that degree that they are unable to appear normal to others, or to convince themselves that their aberration does not exist. These are true freaks, who appear, almost always, conventional and dull
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Italy - Un Bel Paese

No. Seriously! It is perhaps one of  the most beautiful places I have EVER been. My husband fantasizes about going to Spain. I mean, Spain sounds OK, I guess. But I just can't take Italy out of my soul. When I think Latin, I never think Spain, I think Italy.

Sometimes in my day dreams, I think of Ischia and the Sorriso Wine - Sorriso means smile. Other times I think of riding a motorino, still others yet, I think of the vast wandering and well tended gardens. And then there is the food....

Today, I did some scouting for our next trip. We are going to Hotel Raya. At 350 Euro's a night, it is a bit dear for our modest budget. But enough already, look at the photos!