Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

I haven't posted since October. It just seemed like life got to be too much. When that happens you know - something has to go. Unfortunately, I dropped yoga and Poppies. Not so sure those were the best things to let go of, but those went and I can't change it now.

What's great about the New Year is not the raucous night of partying but the whole "Happy New Year" thing is a free pass - A RESET! And who doesn't like to start over? With this said "reset" we can focus on the things we CAN change.

I'm not big on the resolution thing because I never keep them for more than three days. So this year I have committed to "Tiny Tweaks 2014." There are several things on the list some of which include:

  • drink at least 60 oz. of water per day
  • try to dissipate guilt 
  • take vitamins daily 
  • commit to yoga once a week
  • journal daily
  • have consistently healthier eating habits
In eating a consistently healthier diet, I know that as a grown female human, for optimum health (weight maintenance, muscle recovery, hair/nail strength, 15% increase in metabolism) I should have at least 100 grams of protein a day.

So I baked high protein, whole grain bread. This little loaf packs a wallop! It's about 12 servings and each serving of bread is only 80 calories and 6 grams of protein. Plus it's fatless and filling! Served with  mascarpone and pepper jelly I also made today - it's out of this world!

High Protein Whole Grain  Bread

3/4 C Rye Flour
3/4 C Whole Wheat Flour
1/4 C Rolled Oats
2 1/2 Cups Chobani Non-Fat Yogurt
1 tsp. baking powder

Bake in a baking sprayed bread pan at 400 degrees for 1 hour.

Pepper Jelly in the pan.
Pepper Jelly in the Jar.
Pepper Jelly on the Mascarpone on the High Protein Whole Grain Bread.
May all your hearts desires be granted in 2014.

1 comment :

  1. That bread looks delicious! What kind of rye flour are you using?

    My goal is to eat healthier and get rid of some lbs this year. :P
