Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Bubbles - Waiting for Spring

In an effort to patiently wait for Spring, I watched a Doris Day movie last night and began to think of this post. I promised Kelly from Little Paper Planes that I would post a song for her. I got the inspiration from a tweet of hers where she said, "Where is my head?" It spurred a knowing smirk from me and comfort in knowing I'm not the only one.

As I lay on the couch with my feet freezing despite the fact that it is, ahem, Spring, I scurried to the kitchen to make some bubbles. Hoping to warm my feet, solidify this post in my mind and create some fun all at once!

Here is the recipe:
1 Tablespoon dish liquid
6 Tablespoons water
Mix well and dip fork into mixture (or pipe cleaner or wire hanger or beading wire)
Blow...It's sort of magical!

Spring, Spring, Spring...get on it already mother nature!

Charles Edward Wilson
"Blowing Bubbles"
Thomas Couture

Ch. Chaplin
"Blowing Bubbles"
Bubbles - A Track List
1. Where is My Mind - Pixies
2. Heaven or Las Vegas - Cocteau Twins
3. Paris Collides - RUFUS
4. Rumour Has It - ADELE
5. Daniel (Death Metal Disco Scene Remix) - Bat for Lashes
6. Animal - Miike Snow
7. Breaking It Up - Lykke Li
8. Stand and Deliver - Adam Ant
9. White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane
10. Sugarbush - Doris Day and Frankie Laine

Bubbles from poppiesandpaperbacks on 8tracks. Painting Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin "Soap Bubbles" 1733

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Old Movies

Every Sunday, the hubby and I spend about the entire day watching old movies. The black and whites...usually set during war time through the following two decades. But sometimes we catch shorts from as early as 1926 and as late as 1970.

Our latest adventures in old time films have been Going My Way, Hotel, I Was a Male War Bride, My Sister Eileen and Sweet November.

Going My Way has the best soundtrack and Bing Crosby who won an Oscar for best actor. The film itself won 7 oscars in 1944 and was nominated for 10! Some of the music includes Carmen, Ave Maria, Tura Lura Lura and Swinging on a Star - perhaps one of my all time favorite songs right up there with Down By the Old Mill Stream.






This is a video from the film "Going My Way" of the boys choir singing "Swinging On A Star."All of the films we see can be caught on Turner Classic Movies.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tillandsias - Air Plants

They are so special. And relatively low maintenance. And, um, did I mention...AWESOME!

I love the Tillandsia's. Part of the Bromileiad Family they are certainly realted to succulents and of course, they're pretty. The most famous type of Tillandsia that you are probably aware of is Spanish Moss.

Look at these....

Anytime possible, I try to support Etsy sellers. This and the following photos are all from Etsy shops. If you like these support these artisans buy contacting them! This is a Stripey Jellyfish Terrarium and I want it! It comes from a sensational seller called "Petit Beast!" They have trademarked these Jellyfish Air Plants - Genius!  Please have a look.

This one is called a "Steampunk Air Plant Terrarium." It's by a shop called Lovely Terrariums. The shops owners are "Mike and the Dogs." :) What a great photo.
Different and pretty! By a store called Gass Etc

Whad'ya think? I love this little guy! Although this post is about the plants themselves, it's clear that I am also quite attracted to the containers that they rest in! You can find this at Boy-Girl Tees.