Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pink Touches

This came from Fresh Home  but was first introduced to me by Sharona Design. It's a wonderful Pied De Terret near Barcelona. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Fox and Fawn Bakehouse

Oh the Fox and Fawn!

I feel as though I can freely and without shame admit I am somewhat of a cupcake connoisseur. Yeah. Everyone says that and cupcakes certainly have gained there place in our society. But I am going to say that considering my extensive background in cooking and my sophisticated palette I really am a maven. If you know what bouillabaisse is, know the other name for coriander and can tell me a recipe for Panna Cotta then I suppose we can call you an expert also.

I recently went to an event where I discovered the Fox and Fawn. My Word! Melt in your mouth goodness. No frills, no inticing but less than awesome tasting colors and swirls. This is good old fashioned traditionalism...except for one thing...they're VEGAN! Shocking, I know.

I am a bona fide meat eater. I just am. I am all for sustainable farming and humane treatment of animals raised for human consumption so I always try to eat animal products that reflect my own ethics.  But, I am a meat eater and bob's your uncle! So the fact that these sweet treats were, again, vegan, blew my mind.

They are not just good "for being vegan." No! They are great, delightful, delicious, wee cakes of perfection full stop! They make vanilla bean and dark chocolate...and I love the simplicity! Go check them out! I swear by the hammer of Thor that you'll be shot to the stars on your first bite!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Frabjous Finds

'It seems very pretty,' she said when she had finished it, 'but it's rather hard to understand!' 'Somehow it seems to fill my head with ideas—only I don't exactly know what they are!" Alice in Wonderland 

Frabjous: Possibly a blend of fairfabulous, and joyous. Definition from Oxford English Dictionary, credited to Lewis Carroll.

Someday, when I'm a real blogger I will have an entire page dedicated to rad stuff I find or want or like. Here are some things that are so awesome, I want them for myself and the world too. 

As per usual for cool stuff, they were introduced to me by my sister. She is a real artist - not a poser like me, a real bona fide articulatedly awesome artistle creator. (I've decided: If Lewis Carroll can make up words then so the heck can I!) Because of those qualities in her she sees things with a discerning if not sometimes circumspect and superior eye.  

Check these out! They come to you from a Brit company (go figure!) called Mamelok Papercraft.