Saturday, February 18, 2012

Frabjous Finds

'It seems very pretty,' she said when she had finished it, 'but it's rather hard to understand!' 'Somehow it seems to fill my head with ideas—only I don't exactly know what they are!" Alice in Wonderland 

Frabjous: Possibly a blend of fairfabulous, and joyous. Definition from Oxford English Dictionary, credited to Lewis Carroll.

Someday, when I'm a real blogger I will have an entire page dedicated to rad stuff I find or want or like. Here are some things that are so awesome, I want them for myself and the world too. 

As per usual for cool stuff, they were introduced to me by my sister. She is a real artist - not a poser like me, a real bona fide articulatedly awesome artistle creator. (I've decided: If Lewis Carroll can make up words then so the heck can I!) Because of those qualities in her she sees things with a discerning if not sometimes circumspect and superior eye.  

Check these out! They come to you from a Brit company (go figure!) called Mamelok Papercraft.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I Hope You Feel Beautiful Today

It's one of those days. You know the kind - the ones where all you want to do is stay in bed with a book and your kitty and some hot chocolate. Yup. That's me today.

I told my sister yesterday that I was tired of the cold weather and she responded saying, "But the cold weather has only just arrived." While I know she is right, I am ready for wee dresses and sun kissed tresses. I just don't feel AWESOME today. I have the blah's.

Let me leave you with some thoughts that might pick up your spirits if you do in fact feel less than beautiful. Because I assure you, you are beautiful and a warmer clime is just around the corner!
photo source



Monday, February 13, 2012

A Funny Valentine

Hi everyone! I don't have much to say today. Mostly because I'm knackered and have a big week ahead. I will reach out on Tuesday for sure to share a St. Valentine's Day post. Many sweet wishes to you until then.

XO Gwenny