Monday, March 10, 2014

Curly Girl

I learned lots of things by reading the original book "Curly Girl" and for most of my life I had no idea how to deal with this mop. I often still have difficulty and sometimes look like a fraggle or Animal the Muppet.

 I have consulted The Curly Girl Method and only of late feel confident about my curls. Thank goodness for Lorraine Massey!

So I invented this half up/half down do that's fast, easy and pretty for the curly girl! Especially on a rainy day like today! 

Wash hair as usual; product (I love Deva Curl Firl Hold Gel) and diffusion (without touching) is essential.
Leaving several tendril around your face, loosely gather your hair at the nape of your neck.
Pin, being sure to hide the bobbies as well as possible but using as many as you feel comfortable with to make your hair stay.
And Voila! Ready for your day.

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